Lake District and Yorkshire Dales desktop wallpaper

Desktop Wallpaper:

These images are for personal use only as desktop 'wallpaper', and must not be reproduced in any other way without permission. All the images are 1024x768 pixels in size.

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I plan to add a selection of HD images in the near future

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Click the thumbnails to download.

The village of Thwaite, Swaledale, in the Yorkshire Dales.

The village of Thwaite, Swaledale, in the Yorkshire Dales.

The landing stages at Keswick. (Derwentwater)

The landing stages at Keswick. (Derwentwater)

A view down Swaledale (Yorkshire Dales), from near Thwaite.

A view down Swaledale (Yorkshire Dales), from near Thwaite.

Waterfall close-up; Buttermere, Cumbria

Waterfall close-up; Buttermere, Cumbria

Barns & Sheep, Swaledale

Barns & Sheep, Swaledale

For many more Lake District and Yorkshire Dales desktop wallpapers visit my other website "Northern Landscape".